Baptisms, Weddings, and Funerals
By Baptism one is welcomed into the Church, into the family of Christ. In the Episcopal tradition, a person of any age may be baptized. There is preparation for baptism, including for the parents of infants and young children.
Baptisms take place during Eucharist, on particular Sunday mornings. This enables the Parish, the Church family, to share with sponsors, parents and godparents in the promise to support the baptized in their life in Christ. If there is a need, Baptism may occur on other Sundays.
Contact the church (207-326-4180) for further information and to arrange a baptism.
Learning a bit about you, your reasons for wanting to be married at Trinity, and the date(s) you are considering are a first step. Then, you will arrange a meeting with the priest to get to know each other, discuss marriage preparation requirements (at least one member of the couple must be baptized), and discuss preliminary ideas about your wedding ceremony. If after that time together both the priest and the couple agree, we will proceed with reserving the church for your wedding and planning a program of marriage preparation.
Trinity Church has the following fees for weddings: use of the nave $200; use of the parish hall $150. There is a cleaning fee if the church is not left in order. The designated fee for the services of the church organist is $250 for the initial consultation, rehearsal and the marriage service. couples interested in being married at Trinity Church may contact the church at 207-326-4180.
Funerals and Committals
Arrangements for a funeral are made by the immediate family and close friends with the Priest-in-Charge. Traditionally baptized Christians are buried from the church. The funeral liturgy is an Easter liturgy. While not required, celebration of Eucharist bears witness to the promise of Resurrection.
Committal services may be arranged in conjunction with a funeral service or as a separate service (i.e., if a funeral service has been held elsewhere and burial is in the Castine area).
There are designated fees for the church organist’s services ($200) and for use of the parish hall and kitchen for a reception. the schedule of fees is the same as for weddings.
The Funeral Planning Form is designed so that those who wish may provide funeral and burial diretions to their family and friends. The form can also be used by those making arrangements for a loved one who has died.
Contact the church for further information and to arrange a funeral or committal (207-326-4180).