About Us
Our Mission Statement
We are a welcoming parish seeking to share God’s love in Christ with all people, providing care for each other and ministering to the community through worship and fellowship.
The Sunday Eucharist service is the center of Trinity’s spiritual life. It stands at the center of who we are and who we are becoming. In the Holy Eucharist we are fed the bread of heaven and the cup of salvation so that we may become the Body of Christ for the life of the world. The sermon also plays a vital role in our service. It illuminates the meaning of scriptural readings and serves as a guide to the understanding of our faith and to our role as Christians in a secular culture. In addition to Sunday worship, for much of the year a member of the congregation leads a service of Morning Prayer during the week. We also have periodic adult study groups, and the parish hall hosts an interdenominational Bible study group weekly. Religious education for children takes place monthly during the school year and is open to all interested children,
Outreach activities play an important part in how we live our faith. Trinity works with H.O.M.E., a local organization, to provide lunches to children during the summer when the school lunch program is unavailable. When the school year begins, the church buys and fills as many as 80 backpacks for the children. At Christmas, we also help out those who are in need. We guide our children who take on projects that help and/or feed the poor all over the world.